Doing the work

I've been continuing to prepare the music for my upcoming recital.  Deciding to do the recital has given my practice focus it hasn't had in a long time.  This is the program as it stands today:

  • Bach Sonata No. 2, accompanied by James Predovich (harp)
  • Flute Sonata, composed and accompanied by Jack Parton
  • Faure Fantasie, accompanied by Ailene Albrecht
  • The Elephant and the Fly, performed with Jack Parton (tuba), accompanied by Ailene Albrecht
  • Variations on America, arranged by me, performed by WindCentric

I'll be traveling east in December to spend a weekend working with composer Jack Parton on his flute sonata, which he and I are premiering on the recital.  It's thrilling to get to collaborate with a living composer on his own work.  

I hope you'll all come support me and hear all my talented friends.

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